Tuesday, September 24, 2013

God is spirit

         God is spirit

                John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.To have a good spirit is to be worshipping God. We are not worshipping in spirit when we are angry. We are not worshipping in spirit or truth when we are lying. We are not worshipping God who is spirit if we do not have his spirit of love living in us. We should look at what kind of spirit we have accepted and not deceive ourselves. Look at what kind of spirit is motivating your thoughts and actions. Does what you see make you ashamed, does that spirit make you want to keep its presence secret for fear that it will become known, even to yourself? If you are making excuses for it, rationalizing, or minimizing it, you’ve proved the point.
The Spirit of love was sent to us by God the father to give us life. Where that Spirit is there is freedom. To believe in it, to trust in it, to honor it is to be worshipping God who sent it. It is the light by which we can get rid of that other spirit. Believe the one God the Father has sent.
       John 6:29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe the one he has sent."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Not just idle words

Deuteronomy 32:45-47

When Moses finished reciting all these words to all Israel, he said to them, “Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you – they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”
Even “the land” is not just idle words since it represents your psychic, your soul, and “this law” represents the words, the direction, and the guidance, of Gods indwelling Spirit guiding us to possess the land. If we take to heart all the words that that Spirit tells us all the time, we would say “no” to temptations and we would live long in "the land" you are crossing the Jordan to possess.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Knowledge of The Secrets of the Kingdon of Heaven

The Knowledge of

The Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13: 10-17, 34-35

10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
11 He replied, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has (an understanding heart that is not calloused) will be given more (understanding), and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:
“Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. 15 For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes (deliberately rejected the spirit of truth ). Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”

34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowed in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable; 35 So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet:
“I will open my mouth in parables,I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.”

The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil -- to know that you are good produces pride, to know that you are evil produces guilt, to eat what is produced is to believe, to believe what is produced by this tree is to become prideful and guilty, death.
The fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven is Life.
         “The Knowledge of the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven” is inspired by the Spirit of Truth that is uttering things that are hidden and have been for generations.
Feel free to come to know the secrets of/to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The table is set; feed your spiritual hunger and thirst. Feed it. 
Proverbs 25:2 It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Coming out of darkness

God is light; darkness is the power of Satan.

Acts 26:18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me (the light).
 2 Cor. 4:6 God . . . made his light shine in our hearts to give us –the light (understanding) ofthe knowledge of the glory (no darkness at all 1 John 1:5)—of God—in the face (that we have by faith in the light) of Christ.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Spirit over Mind over Body

Spirit over Mind over Body


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.  . . ., in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.

                Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.
                You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. (Ref. to Rom. 8:1-17)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Resurrection Body

The Resurrection Body

Faith in being made Holy is a hope and belief of being resurrected, changed from a sinful nature and the death it makes you suffer, to life and immortality that a Holy life brings to you. Some might say that this is not possible, or it is too late to change, they destroy the faith of some. Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” (Ref. to 2 Tim. 2: )
1 Cor. 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (It brings about new growth, The Resurrection Body.)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Christ Jesus has come


Christ Jesus has come

1 John 3:24 Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us; we know it by the Spirit he gave us.

The Spirit of obedience, the Spirit of love, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit (name) of Jesus, if we have this Spirit in us then we know that it is the Spirit of God living in us, and it acknowledges that Christ Jesus has come in us, the flesh.

Some might disagree, but scripture doesn’t.

1 Cor. 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.

2 Cor. 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

 5:16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Cor. 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you – unless, of course, you fail the test?
It is unfortunate, to say the least, if one thinks of the Coming of the Lord as a physical advent rather than a Spiritual event. If we think of it as a physical advent, it is like thinking of it as a future event in which we will be delivered from worldly evil without a prerequisite to repent as if we had nothing to do with that evil existence. As a Spiritual event our love for evil dies and is, in a sense, perceived by some as work, energy spent, sacrifice, and suffering, (repentance), but is actually an act of God.
The Coming of the Lord is a Spiritual event, and is a gift from God, in other words, Love will give you heavenly results. The moment the Spirit of Love comes into you, you are changed and that is a Spiritual event. And when everything is brought under control God will be all in all.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What is our name?


What is our name? Our name is Legion, for we, each of us, are influenced by many. All the evil that has gotten into us has become our life, and we cannot overcome the stench of it to see it as living. We can’t change and continue to be what we have become. It must die out for us to come to the glory of spiritual purity. We cannot change our reputation, our name, without becoming somebody new.

John13:38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? . . . ” (Will you really stop being you and start being me?)

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

 How do we call on the Lord, in other words, how do we change our name, how do we destroy the devil’s work? The answer is with our being - by laying down our old life so Jesus can live in us, (eat, sleep, and drink Jesus, so to speak). So the Father will say ‘Your name (Jesus) precedes you, and now resides and presides in you. You are my people, and I am your God.’ That glorious acceptance/forgiveness which we all require from the Father for a sense of living is now approached properly with the spiritual purity of Jesus himself in us.

John 14:20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.


 1Corinthians 15:48 As was the earthly man so are those who are of the earth: and as is the man from heaven so are those who are of heaven.

These three testify and agree to the fact that he who was sent by God has come and is in us and is the means by which we overcome the world through faith in him:

1.       The Spirit, the Water, and the Blood.

2.       The belief in truth, the testimony, and the life.

3.       What we think, what we say, and what we do.

John 12:46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me (the light/the insight,truth,the Love) should stay in darkness.      

1 John 3:7-10 Dear Children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.

No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in him: he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know (if we are a child of God or of the devil) who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God: nor is anyone who does not love his brother.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Something to Chew On

Here is something to "chew on":

While thinking about the Fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, I thought, "What comes from the knowledge of good if not pride? What comes from the knowledge of evil if not guilt?"

To eat is to take inside you, is to believe.
To believe I'm good produces pride in me.
To believe I am evil produces guilt in me.
To believe either produces spritual death in me.

The Tree of Life is also there, in the "garden."

Jesus said,
"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate the manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever. The Spirit gives life. The flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." John 6:56, 57, 58, 63.

When you are done "chewing"(thinking about this), "swallow."