The Spirit of Prophecy
I have lived a sinful life. It has been my desire to be a better person from
the time of my childhood baptism but much of the instruction I understood
through worldly perceptions and followed only perpetuated a life style I wish
had not existed.
A bright light from heaven changed everything. Depending on
your perception of what is meant by “A bright light from heaven”, whether it is
spiritual rather than worldly, it could also be the key for you as it has
proven to be for me. As the saying goes, ‘It is all in how you look at it.’
‘All scripture is God-breath and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the man of God
maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work.’
As true as that is what good are they to us if our
perception of the scripture’s meanings do not reveal to us what the Spirit is
saying so as to clear our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we
may serve the Living God? If we are wishing to be a new creation, to draw near to
God, to have the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place, to be cleansed from a
guilty conscience, to have our bodies washed with pure water, it is done by
having a “blood transfusion”. Of course I’m not talking about a physical
transfusion; even still a spiritual one is more real/tangible than a physical
Our blood is our life, such as it is. The same
life will produce the same results. The blood of Jesus is the life of Jesus. If
we have a transfusion we have a change, a change of life, as it were the blood/life
of Jesus, thereby we are cleansed by his blood, that is to say his life in us
flowing through our arteries from the heart. It is the Spirit of God. The
Spirit of God is the Spirit God sent, not just any spirit, it is the one and
only Spirit God sent. Listen to it. God
is Spirit so any Spirit from him would be his offspring, the Son of God. The
Spirit of the Son of God is the life blood, even the blood of Jesus that makes
us what we wish to be, a new creature enlightened and instructed so as to
encourage intellectual, moral, and spiritual improvement within ourselves. Your
spirit is your testimony, if it is a testimony of Jesus it is the Spirit of
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