Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Virgin Birth, the Word became Flesh

A Virgin Birth, the Word became Flesh

                Is this not a facet of how the Word becomes Flesh, by being recognized and understood in the “world”, in the “darkness”, that which you were beforehand? The Word is born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God, a spiritual birth, not by sexual intercourse, but born through spiritual innocence, which would be the virgin birth of any one of us? And furthermore, would it not be named of us that God is with us, which is what Immanuel means? You may ask, ‘How can this be, how are you born as a child of God?’ It is when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and the power of the Most High overshadows you so that the holy one to be born (the new you) will be called the child of God.
‘These are those who did not defile themselves with women (in the usual way of self-creation), for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.’
Being in the world and among the darkness we likely experience many things, yet it is possible through belief in the Word that our spiritual character be undefiled by the belief of a lie that says those worldly experiences are what creates us, completes us, destroys us, or gives birth to us. Only the Spirit of God gives birth and life to sons of God and to their children.
If one has an “experience” without their spirit being defiled/controlled by it, would they not still be a virgin spiritually speaking? And on the other hand is it not true that to believe in any false god is considered adultery and fornication even of physical virgins?
Immaculate Conception – being born of the Spirit of God, set free from all stains of pride and guilt. Pride and guilt are the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in ourselves and others, which are also the results of the original sin, where in we used pride and guilt as a means to gain sustenance, admiration, and wisdom from and over others and thinking/feeling (the knowing) within ourselves that that makes us like God.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Peek-a-Boo I See You

Peek-A-Boo I See You

Now that the Lord has come, where can you go that you will not be seen? Do you think you are safe in the dark? Do you think you are alone and no one sees what you are like? Do you think no one knows what you are thinking? Where can you go to escape yourself, the very witness who testifies against you? Anyone, everyone, and more over you yourself who have seen and know the truth can see how you stand compared to it. You cannot hide from the truth, for wherever you stand there it is making visible what you are trying not to see. Like one who sticks their head in the sand and thinks since I won’t look neither will anyone else see me, it is such deceptive blindness. It is the Day of Judgment, the truth has come and no one can hide from it, to try is self-destructive. Our only hope is to confess to ourselves that we are not walking in the light of the truth, and change our course, for there is no escape from the truth, the day of the Lord.  Every time you take a peek, there you will be.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Spirit of Prophecy

The Spirit of Prophecy


                Certainly I have lived a sinful life. It has been my desire to be a better person from the time of my childhood baptism but much of the instruction I understood through worldly perceptions and followed only perpetuated a life style I wish had not existed.

A bright light from heaven changed everything. Depending on your perception of what is meant by “A bright light from heaven”, whether it is spiritual rather than worldly, it could also be the key for you as it has proven to be for me. As the saying goes, ‘It is all in how you look at it.’

‘All scripture is God-breath and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the man of God maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work.’

As true as that is what good are they to us if our perception of the scripture’s meanings do not reveal to us what the Spirit is saying so as to clear our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we may serve the Living God? If we are wishing to be a new creation, to draw near to God, to have the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place, to be cleansed from a guilty conscience, to have our bodies washed with pure water, it is done by having a “blood transfusion”. Of course I’m not talking about a physical transfusion; even still a spiritual one is more real/tangible than a physical one.
Our blood is our life, such as it is. The same life will produce the same results. The blood of Jesus is the life of Jesus. If we have a transfusion we have a change, a change of life, as it were the blood/life of Jesus, thereby we are cleansed by his blood, that is to say his life in us flowing through our arteries from the heart. It is the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is the Spirit God sent, not just any spirit, it is the one and only Spirit God sent. Listen to it.  God is Spirit so any Spirit from him would be his offspring, the Son of God. The Spirit of the Son of God is the life blood, even the blood of Jesus that makes us what we wish to be, a new creature enlightened and instructed so as to encourage intellectual, moral, and spiritual improvement within ourselves. Your spirit is your testimony, if it is a testimony of Jesus it is the Spirit of prophecy.